February 2019 Data

Rural Lincoln, NE, February 2, 2019.  Photo Ken Dewey.

All data in the following table are from the National Weather Service and HPRCC data archives.

Related Links:
Last month's Data: January 2019
Lincoln's Cold Weather Climatology
Lincoln's Snowfall Climatology
Lincoln Months with 10 or more inches of snow

Record daily snowfall, February 19, 2019, 4.4 inches (old record 3.2 inches set in 1989)
Record daily snowfall, February 23, 2019, 8.0 inches (old record 6.7 inches set in 1994)

Winter 2018-19 (and last year, 2017-18) Snowfall (in inches) compared to normal

Normal 0.7 2.1 5.9 5.4 5.6 4.8 1.4 0.0 25.9
2018-19 3.5 7.2 5.6 9.7 23.2 . . . 49.2
2017-18 T 0.0 4.3 3.4 10.0 0.7 3.0 0.0 21.4

T = a Trace.  Snowfall was observed but not enough to be measured

Top Ten Snow Seasons in Lincoln, NE
snowfall in inches, data: 1900-2019

Season Snowfall Rank
1914-15 59.4 1
1947-48 54.7 2
1959-60 54.3 3
1948-49 50.6 4
2018-19 49.2 5
1970-71 49.0 6
1983-84 47.5 7
1911-12 46.5 8
1944-45 45.0 9
1997-98 44.6 10

Lincoln, NE, Top Coldest Februaries
Monthly Average Temperature in °F
Year Average  Rank
1936      8.2         1
1979      13.0       2
1978      13.1       3
1899      14.1       4
1905      16.1       5
1989      16.3       6
2019    18.6       7
1887      18.9       8
1900      19.1       9
1929      19.2       10
1975      20.1       11
Data: 1887-2019, 133 years

ANNOUNCEMENT: LINK> Weatherfest is scheduled for Saturday April 6, 2019

ANNOUNCEMENT: UNL National Weathercamp is scheduled for June 9-14, 2019

LINK: List of all Daily Records and years set

If columns are hidden, scroll the table to the right.

February 2019MaxMinMeanDepPcpnRec
Friday Feb. 1 42 10 26 0 0.00 0.45 64 -24 39 0 37 15 26 .
Saturday Feb. 2 47 34 41 +15 0.00 1.12 68 -22 24 0 37 15 26 .
Sunday Feb. 3 58 30 44 +18 0.00 0.73 68 -22 21 0 37 15 26 .
Monday Feb. 4 30 10 20 -6 T 1.05 67 -21 45 0 37 15 26 T
Tuesday Feb. 5 14 8 11 -15 T 0.38 67 -20 54 0 37 15 26 T
Wednesday Feb. 6 16 8 12 -14 0.04 0.87 65 -17 53 0 38 16 26 1.2
Thursday Feb. 7 13 4 9 -18 0.02 0.28 71 -18 56 0 38 16 27 0.6
Friday Feb. 8 20 -2 9 -18 0.00 0.91 71 -19 56 0 38 16 27 .
Saturday Feb. 9 35 10 23 -4 0.00 0.80 68 -24 42 0 38 16 27 .
Sunday Feb. 10 32 26 29 +2 0.10 0.65 75 -16 36 0 38 16 27 0.2
Monday Feb. 11 28 26 27 -1 0.09 1.55 75 -26 38 0 39 17 28 0.9
Tuesday Feb. 12 34 15 25 -3 0.00 2.20 73 -24 40 0 39 17 28 .
Wednesday Feb. 13 43 14 29 +1 0.00 1.36 69 -26 36 0 39 17 28 .
Thursday Feb. 14 35 11 23 -6 0.00 0.79 75 -15 42 0 40 18 29 .
Friday Feb. 15 15 8 12 -17 0.19 0.45 74 -11 53 0 40 18 29 2.6
Saturday Feb. 16 20 -1 10 -19 0.20 0.73 72 -18 55 0 40 18 29 3.6
Sunday Feb. 17 24 14 19 -11 0.04 0.50 74 -19 46 0 41 19 30 1.0
Monday Feb. 18 23 6 15 -15 0.00 0.84 70 -17 50 0 41 19 30 .
Tuesday Feb. 19 23 3 13 -17 0.22 0.50 73 -15 52 0 41 19 30 4.4
Wednesday Feb. 20 29 9 19 -12 0.08 1.36 71 -10 46 0 42 20 31 0.7
Thursday Feb. 21 32 -4 14 -17 0.00 1.31 76 -9 51 0 42 20 31 .
Friday Feb. 22 34 11 23 -8 0.04 1.57 74 -10 42 0 42 20 31 .
Saturday Feb. 23 33 23 28 -4 0.57 0.65 75 -16 37 0 43 21 32 8.0
Sunday Feb. 24 23 0 12 -20 0.00 0.82 72 -9 53 0 43 21 32 .
Monday Feb. 25 12 -7 3 -29 0.00 1.12 77 -8 62 0 44 21 32 .
Tuesday Feb. 26 16 1 9 -24 T 0.68 79 -9 56 0 44 22 33 T
Wednesday Feb. 27 13 3 8 -25 T 1.92 77 -10 57 0 45 22 33 T
Thursday Feb. 28 22 4 13 -21 0.00 1.71 78 -12 52 0 45 22 34 .
XXX Feb. 29  XXX  XXX  XXX  XXX  XXX 0.60 83 -3  XXX  XXX 45 23 34 .
February 2019 Max Min Mean Dep Pcpn Rec Pcpn Rec
. Total         1.59       . .     23.2
. AVERAGE 27.4 9.8 18.6
NORMAL 40.1 18.0 29.0   0.77     1037 0     5.6
DEPARTURE -12.7 -8.2 -10.4   +0.82       .         +17.6

Temperature is °F

Precipitation measurement is "inches"
Precipitation "T" = trace, precipitation was observed but not enough to be measured

NORMAL (Norm) refers to the 1981-2010 Standard Normals.
DEPARTURE is FEBRUARY 2019 Average measured against 1981-2010 normals.
Max = Observed Maximum and Min = Observed Minimum temperatures in °F.
Mean = Observed Mean Daily temperature in °F.
Dep = Departure from normal ( __ = below normal, + above normal), in °F.
Pcpn = Observed daily precipitation (midnight to midnight, CST) in inches.
Rec Pcpn = Record daily amount of precipitation in inches.
Rec Max = Record maximum temperature in °F.
Rec Min = Record Minimum temperature in °F.
HDD = heating degree day units (base of 65 degrees) in °F.
CDD = cooling degree day units (base of 65 degrees) in °F.
Norm Max = Daily Normal High Temperature (1981-2010 normals) in °F.
Norm Min = Daily Normal Low Temperature (1981-2010 normals) in °F.
Norm Mean = Daily Normal Mean Temperature (1981-2010 normals) in °F.
Snow = Snowfall in inches.

Warmest recorded FEBRUARY temperature,
Leap Years:  83°F, February 29, 1972.
Non-Leap Years:  79°F, Feb. 26, 1896 and Feb. 28, 1972.

Coldest recorded FEBRUARY  temperature, -26 F,  Feb. 11, 1899 & Feb. 13, 1905.

SNOWFALL (120 years, 1900-2019):
Most FEBRUARY Snowfall: 26.1 inches, 1965.

Least February Snowfall: nothing measurable, 5 of the last 120 years (1900-2019)
(1922, 1946, 1977, 1991 & 1996).

NOTE:  All data on this page are from the National Weather Service and HPRCC data archives.