Lincoln, NE, May 2011 Weather and Climate Data

Lincoln, Nebraska
May 2011: Daily Climate Data

All data in the following table are from the National Weather Service and HPRCC data archives.
May 2011 Max Min Mean Dep Pcpn Rec
Sunday May 1 64 36 50 -7 0.00 2.10 93 24 15 0 69 45 57
Monday May 2 61 31 46 -11 0.00 1.50 91 26 19 0 69 45 57
Tuesday May 3 63 30 47 -10 0.00 1.90 91 25 18 0 69 45 57
Wednesday May 4 80 47 64 +6 0.01 2.47 91 30 1 0 70 46 58
Thursday May 5 69 41 55 -3 0.02 3.35 97 31 10 0 70 46 58
Friday May 6 82 33 58 0 0.00 1.46 95 27 7 0 70 46 58
Saturday May 7 83 48 66 +7 0.00 1.71 96 29 0 1 71 47 59
Sunday May 8 87 59 73 +14 0.00 1.96 95 29 0 8 71 47 59
Monday May 9 96 69 83 +24 0.00 2.56 97 30 0 18 71 48 59
Tuesday May 10 95 72 84 +24 0.00 1.05 93 30 0 19 71 48 60
Wednesday May 11 83 62 73 +13 0.31 1.33 94 29 0 8 72 48 60
Thursday May 12 75 51 63 +3 0.47 1.55 97 32 2 0 72 49 60
Friday May 13 52 46 49 -12 T 2.76 96 27 16 0 73 49 61
Saturday May 14 55 43 49 -12 T 2.63 96 32 16 0 73 49 61
Sunday May 15 63 38 51 -11 T 2.35 93 31 14 0 73 50 62
Monday May 16 68 34 51 -11 0.00 2.01 92 31 14 0 74 50 62
Tuesday May 17 71 35 53 -9 0.00 2.01 93 33 12 0 74 50 62
Wednesday May 18 68 47 58 -5 T 2.41 94 34 7 0 74 51 63
Thursday May 19 70 55 63 0 1.99 1.62 95 35 2 0 75 51 63
Friday May 20 67 59 63 0 1.87 2.64 95 33 2 0 75 52 63
Saturday May 21 77 55 67 +3 0.00 1.56 95 36 0 2 75 52 64
Sunday May 22 79 58 69 +5 T 2.43 96 36 0 4 76 52 64
Monday May 23 82 55 69 +4 0.00 1.45 94 39 0 4 76 53 65
Tuesday May 24 74 58 66 +1 0.75 1.43 100 34 0 1 77 53 65
Wednesday May 25 64 52 58 -7 0.03 1.78 98 35 7 0 77 53 65
Thursday May 26 68 47 58 -8 0.00 2.43 98 38 7 0 77 54 66
Friday May 27 60 51 56 -10 T 2.73 95 36 9 0 78 54 66
Saturday May 28 76 56 66 0 T 1.97 98 34 0 1 78 54 66
Sunday May 29 80 58 69 +2 0.14 2.64 102 32 0 4 79 55 67
Monday May 30 88 63 76 +9 0.41 2.59 104 40 0 11 79 55 67
Tuesday May 31 82 56 69 +1 T 2.05 103 41 0 4 80 56 68
May 2011 Max Min Mean Dep Pcpn Rec
TOTAL         6.00              
AVERAGE 73.6 49.9 61.8         178 85      
NORMAL 73.8 50.1 62.0   4.23     154 56      
  DEPARTURE -0.2 -0.2 -0.2   +1.77       +24 29

Temperature is "degrees F"
Precipitation measurement is "inches"
Precipitation "T" = trace, precipitation was observed but not enough to be measured

NORMAL (Norm) is the 1971-2000 Standard Normals
DEPARTURE is MAY 2011 Average measured against 1971-2000 normals, in deg. F.
Max = Observed Maximum and Min = Observed Minimum temperatures in deg. F.
Mean = Observed Mean Daily temperature in deg. F.
Dep = Departure from normal ( __ = below normal, + above normal), in deg. F.
Pcpn = Observed daily precipitation (midnight to midnight, CST) in inches.
Rec Pcpn = Record daily amount of precipitation in inches.
Rec Max = Record maximum temperature in deg. F.
Rec Min = Record Minimum temperature in deg. F.
HDD = heating degree day units (base of 65 degrees) in deg. F.
CDD = cooling degree day units (base of 65 degrees) in deg F.
Norm Max = Daily Normal High Temperature (1971-2000 normals) in deg. F.
Norm Min = Daily Normal Low Temperature (1971-2000 normals) in deg. F.
Norm Mean = Daily Normal Mean Temperature (1971-2000 normals) in deg. F.

From the record books:
Warmest recorded MAY temperature, 104 F, May 30, 1934.
Coldest recorded MAY temperature, 24 F,  May 1, 1994.
Most MAY Snowfall: 3.0 inches, May 3-4, 1967.

NOTE:  All data on this page are from the National Weather Service and HPRCC data archives.