Nebraska Tornadoes County Data

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Data source: NWS Omaha.

Area is in square miles, Density is number of tornadoes per 1,000sq miles
"Density" is equivalent to the total number of tornadoes (1950-2023) per 1000 sq.miles

NOTE: Two Tables:  
Alphabetical Listing of County densities AND 
Counties ranked from highest to lowest density

CountyCounty SeatArea1950-
2013 Total
2014 Total2015 Total2016 Total2017 Total2018 Total2019 Total2020 Total2021 Total2022 Total2023 Total1950-
2023 Total
2023 Density
AdamsHastings56348 12  1 3 15699.5
AntelopeNeligh85738          3844.3
ArthurArthur7158  1       912.6
BannerHarrisburg74628   2      3040.2
BlaineBrewster7117      2   912.7
BooneAlbion68723   11   112739.3
Box ButteAlliance1075382  1 1    4239.1
BoydButte54010     1    1120.4
BrownAinsworth122130 1    1   3226.2
BuffaloKearney96884  2    2  8890.9
BurtTekamah49315    1    62244.6
ButlerDavid City58432 1        3356.5
CassPlattsmouth55942  1 3  31 5089.4
CedarHartington740236  1   11 3243.2
ChaseImperial89524  11 4    3033.5
CherryValentine596181644     1 9616.1
CheyenneSidney119660  31 1   16655.2
ClayClay Center573432 11  22 15290.8
ColfaxSchuyler41325       1112867.8
CumingWest Point572232  1   6 13357.7
CusterBroken Bow2576921 2  13  410340.0
DakotaDakota City26491         1037.9
DawesChadron139637   1  2   4028.7
DawsonLexington101352     3   25756.3
DeuelChappell44028    1   1 3068.2
DixonPonca476252         2756.7
DodgeFremont53526   1     53259.8
DouglasOmaha331152 3       2060.4
DundyBenkelman92026      15113437.0
FilmoreGeneva577325  14     4272.8
FranklinFranklin576262 1  1 1 13255.6
FrontierStockville97527  1  7    3535.9
FurnasBeaver City71827 1      2 3041.8
GageBeatrice85549 1 21 1 2 5665.5
GardenOshkosh170521          2112.3
GarfieldBurwell570135         1831.6
GosperElwood45818          1839.3
GrantHyannis77614          1418.0
GreeleyGreeley570201        12238.6
HallGrand Island54671 1  1  11176139.2
HamiltonAurora544543   1 25 267123.2
HarlanAlma55320 2  1   3 2647.0
HayesHayes Center71315     3    1825.2
HitchcockTrenton71026    1  2  2940.8
HoltO'Neil241378  1       7932.7
HookerMullen721141         1520.8
HowardSt. Paul57045          4578.9
JeffersonFairbury573281     1   3052.4
JohnsonTecumseh37620    1     2155.9
KearneyMinden51624  1    3113058.1
KeithOgallala106141    2     4340.5
Keya PahaSpringview77314          1418.1
KimballKimball952502  111   56063.0
KnoxCenter110848          4843.3
LancasterLincoln839403221 2 1 15262.0
LincolnNorth Platte2564100 3    1   10440.6
LoganStapleton57117  1      11933.3
LoupTaylor57015   5     12136.8
McPhersonTryon85910  2 1     1315.1
MadisonMadison57339   11  1 24476.8
MerrickCentral City48525      1 112857.7
MorrillBridgeport142445 112     25135.8
NanceFullerton44123          2352.2
NemahaAuburn40920     1    2151.3
NuckollsNelson57538 22  11 2 4680.0
OtoeNebraska City616281  1   13 3455.2
PawneePawnee City43215 1  1  3 12148.6
PerkinsGrant88332   11 3 2 3944.2
PhelpsHoldrege54029  1 2    13361.1
PiercePierce57428   1      2950.5
PlatteColumbus67829       2 13247.2
PolkOsceola439341      1  3682.0
Red WillowMcCook71735 11       3751.6
RichardsonFalls City55417 1   2   12137.9
RockBassett100918          1817.8
SalineWilber575261   3  1  3153.9
SarpyPapillion24111   2      1353.9
SaundersWahoo754372 2    2  4357.0
ScottsbluffGering739591     1  66790.7
SewardSeward575325      11 3967.8
SheridanRushville2441531143   1116526.6
ShermanLoup City56630  1       3154.8
SiouxHarrison2067221  1 1 1  2612.6
StantonStanton430224  11    43274.4
ThayerHebron57559 4  1   2 66114.8
ThomasThedford71310 1    1   1216.8
ThurstonPender394141      1  1640.6
ValleyOrd568351   1     3765.1
WashingtonBlair39118  3       2153.7
WayneWayne444183  1     22454.1
WebsterRed Cloud575311 1    2  3560.9
WheelerBartlett57515    1    31933.0
YorkYork576434   1   1 4985.1


Density is calculated by taking the total number of tornadoes from 1950 thru 2023, dividing by the area and then multiplying by 1000. This is the total number of tornadoes per 1,000 square miles for the entire time period 1950-2023 (74 years).

Density example >>>>
1950-2023 totals: Hall County had 76 tornadoes; Lincoln County had 104 tornadoes.
Hall County (County Seat Grand Island): (76 tornadoes/546 sq mi) times 1000 = 139.2 tornadoes per 1000 sq miles.
Lincoln County (County Seat North Platte): (104 tornadoes/2564 sq mi) times 1000 = 40.6 tornadoes per 1000 sq miles .

Note in the above example. Lincoln County had more tornadoes from 1950 to 2023 than Hall County (104 vs 76),
however, the density (total number of tornadoes per 1,000 sq. miles) was more than 3 times greater in Hall County


County Density Ranked from Highest to Lowest Density

CountyCounty SeatArea1950-2013 Total2014 Total2015 Total2016 Total2017 Total2018 Total2019 Total2020 Total2021 Total2022 Total2023 Total1950-2023 Total1950-2023 Density
HallGrand Island54671 1  1  11176139.2
HamiltonAurora544543   1 25 267123.2
ThayerHebron57559 4  1   2 66114.8
AdamsHastings56348 12  1 3 15699.5
BuffaloKearney96884  2    2  8890.9
ClayClay Center573432 11  22 15290.8
ScottsbluffGering739591     1  66790.7
CassPlattsmouth55942  1 3  31 5089.4
YorkYork576434   1   1 4985.1
PolkOsceola439341      1  3682.0
NuckollsNelson57538 22  11 2 4680.0
HowardSt. Paul57045          4578.9
MadisonMadison57339   11  1 24476.8
StantonStanton430224  11    43274.4
FilmoreGeneva577325  14     4272.8
DeuelChappell44028    1   1 3068.2
SewardSeward575325      11 3967.8
ColfaxSchuyler41325       1112867.8
GageBeatrice85549 1 21 1 2 5665.5
ValleyOrd568351   1     3765.1
KimballKimball952502  111   56063.0
LancasterLincoln839403221 2 1 15262.0
PhelpsHoldrege54029  1 2    13361.1
WebsterRed Cloud575311 1    2  3560.9
DouglasOmaha331152 3       2060.4
DodgeFremont53526   1     53259.8
KearneyMinden51624  1    3113058.1
MerrickCentral City48525      1 112857.7
CumingWest Point572232  1   6 13357.7
SaundersWahoo754372 2    2  4357.0
DixonPonca476252         2756.7
ButlerDavid City58432 1        3356.5
DawsonLexington101352     3   25756.3
JohnsonTecumseh37620    1     2155.9
FranklinFranklin576262 1  1 1 13255.6
OtoeNebraska City616281  1   13 3455.2
CheyenneSidney119660  31 1   16655.2
ShermanLoup City56630  1       3154.8
WayneWayne444183  1     22454.1
SarpyPapillion24111   2      1353.9
SalineWilber575261   3  1  3153.9
WashingtonBlair39118  3       2153.7
JeffersonFairbury573281     1   3052.4
NanceFullerton44123          2352.2
Red WillowMcCook71735 11       3751.6
NemahaAuburn40920     1    2151.3
PiercePierce57428   1      2950.5
PawneePawnee City43215 1  1  3 12148.6
PlatteColumbus67829       2 13247.2
HarlanAlma55320 2  1   3 2647.0
BurtTekamah49315    1    62244.6
AntelopeNeligh85738          3844.3
PerkinsGrant88332   11 3 2 3944.2
KnoxCenter110848          4843.3
CedarHartington740236  1   11 3243.2
FurnasBeaver City71827 1      2 3041.8
HitchcockTrenton71026    1  2  2940.8
ThurstonPender394141      1  1640.6
LincolnNorth Platte2564100 3    1   10440.6
KeithOgallala106141    2     4340.5
BannerHarrisburg74628   2      3040.2
CusterBroken Bow2576921 2  13  410340.0
BooneAlbion68723   11   112739.3
GosperElwood45818          1839.3
Box ButteAlliance1075382  1 1    4239.1
GreeleyGreeley570201        12238.6
RichardsonFalls City55417 1   2   12137.9
DakotaDakota City26491         1037.9
DundyBenkelman92026      15113437.0
LoupTaylor57015   5     12136.8
FrontierStockville97527  1  7    3535.9
MorrillBridgeport142445 112     25135.8
ChaseImperial89524  11 4    3033.5
LoganStapleton57117  1      11933.3
WheelerBartlett57515    1    31933.0
HoltO'Neil241378  1       7932.7
GarfieldBurwell570135         1831.6
DawesChadron139637   1  2   4028.7
SheridanRushville2441531143   1116526.6
BrownAinsworth122130 1    1   3226.2
HayesHayes Center71315     3    1825.2
HookerMullen721141         1520.8
BoydButte54010     1    1120.4
Keya PahaSpringview77314          1418.1
GrantHyannis77614          1418.0
RockBassett100918          1817.8
ThomasThedford71310 1    1   1216.8
CherryValentine596181644     1 9616.1
McPhersonTryon85910  2 1     1315.1
BlaineBrewster7117      2   912.7
ArthurArthur7158  1       912.6
SiouxHarrison2067221  1 1 1  2612.6
GardenOshkosh170521          2112.3