Lincoln, NE, Monthly Snowfall: 1888-1947

The following tables are copies of the official Lincoln, NE, monthy snowfall data as published by the U.S. Departmentof Commerce, Weather Bureau.

In July 1970, the name of the Weather Bureau was changed to the National Weather Service. At the same time, the National Weather Service was placed under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) within the Department of Commerce where it remains.

PLEASE note that two numbers had to be changed that are in this printed document after we went back and looked at the original monthly data.  The publication (below) has 5.5 inches for October 1941, the correct value is 3.0 inches.  And, the publication below has 4.4 inches for Janaury 1947, the correct value is 4.9 inches.

Monthly Snowfall in Inches October 1888 - December 1947  >>>>