Daily Data (Current and Historical) All Variables

Monthly Daily Data TABLES, with the all the DAILY variables (temperature, precipitation, snowfall, heating degree days, cooling degree days etc.)

Year 2025 
Year 2024
Year 2023
Year 2022
Year 2021
Year 2020
Year 2019
Year 2018
Year 2017
Year 2016  Under Construction 
Year 2015  Under Construction 
Year 2014  Under Construction 
Year 2013  Under Construction 
Year 2012  Under Construction 
Year 2011  Under Construction 
Year 2010  Under Construction 
Year 2009 External to this site
Year 2008 External to this site

All of the above data are the Official National Weather Service data for Lincoln, NE.
These data were acquired from the High Plains Regional Climate Center HPRCC

Get Your Own Data:
Here is how you can get Lincoln data on your own for any time period 1887 thru current.

Step 1.  Go to Xmacis: https://xmacis.rcc-acis.org/
Step 2. click on "Single Station" 
Step 3. in the pull down menu choose "Daily Data Listing"
Step 4: Click the boxes for the data that you want and choose the data time period
Step 5: Click on "Station Selection"
Step 6: Select "Change CWA Area", scroll to and choose "OAX"
Step 7: go up one line it will say "Omaha Area", click on the down arrow and choose "Lincoln Area"
Step 8: Click on Go"

NOTE: There are are also links to single variable data archives for
Temperature data: 
includes temperature graphs; temperature climatologies (heat waves, cold waves, freeze data, etc.)

Snowfall data:
 includes daily, monthly, annual snowfall data; snowfall & snow depth climatologies; snowfall statistics, etc.

Precipitation (rain and snow combined)
includes daily, monthly, annual precipitation data; precipitation climatologies; etc.



 Weekly Summaries (all variables)