Lincoln's Hot Weather Climatology 1887 - 2024

LINKS to additional Lincoln, NE, Data not at this page:
The 90s (and 80s)
Monthly frequency (totals) of daily highs 90°F or Higher Active
Monthly frequency (totals) of daily highs 80°F or Higher Active
Longest Streaks of 90°F or higher temperatures
Months with temperatures 90°F or higher
Dates of first 90°F or higher temperature, 1887 - present
Dates of last 90°F day each year

The 100s
Monthly and annual days with temperatures 100°F or higher
Dates of first 100°F or higher
Date of the hottest day each year




The hottest day ever recorded in Lincoln, NE:
July 25, 1936

High: 115°F Low: 91°F
Average temperature for the day = 103°F !

Hottest Night Ever in Lincoln, July 1936. Sleeping on the Capitol lawn

 With an overnight low of only 91°F after a daytime high of 115°F, residents of Lincoln
spent the  night on the capitol lawn to escape the heat inside their homes and apartments.
(Photo courtesy:  Nebraska Historical Society)

Days with daily high temperatures  90°F or higher, Year 2024

June 5: 91°FJune 22: 90°F
July 24: 93°F
August 3: 95°F
Sept. 4: 92°F
Sept. 20: 96°F.
June 7: 92°F
June 23: 92°F
July 25: 94°FAugust 4: 98°FSept. 9: 92°FSept. 21: 92°F
June 11: 92°FJune 24: 102°FJuly 26: 94°FAugust 5: 100°FSept. 10: 95°FSept. 28: 92°F
June 12: 94°FJune 25: 100°FJuly 27: 92°FAugust 16: 92°FSept. 11: 91°FSept. 30: 94°F
June 13: 93°F
June 28: 91°FJuly 28: 90°FAugust 24: 96°FSept. 12: 90°FOct. 5: 97°F
June 14: 92°F 
July 10: 91°FJuly 29: 98°FAugust 25: 104°FSept. 13: 90°FOct. 10: 91°F
June 16: 91°F
July 12: 90°FJuly 30: 96°FAugust 26: 101°FSept. 15: 93°F
June 18: 90°F
July 13: 93°FJuly 31: 100°FAugust 27: 93°FSept. 17: 91°F
June20: 90°FJuly 14: 96°FAugust 1: 92°FAugust 28: 98°FSept. 18: 93°F
June 21: 92°FJuly 15: 98°F
August 2: 93°FAugust 29: 99°F.
Sept. 19: 91°F


If columns are hidden, scroll the table right.

The total number of days with the temperature
90°F or higher for Lincoln, NE 
2024, recent years, and 1936 and 1934 (the two worst years in the data archive) and Normals.

MARCH000000.1 days
APRIL00110.4 days
MAY 045013 2.0 days
JUNE1516121617 17 8.7 days
29 28 14.0 days
AUGUST1211221923 19 11.0 days
SEPTEMBER149121011 5.0 days
OCTOBER220000.5 days
TOTAL5651675982 79 41.8 days

NORMALS* (standard 1991-2020, 30-year normals)



The 13 hottest days ever recorded
in Lincoln, NE (All 110°F or higher). 

July 25, 1936115°F
July 25, 1940113°F
July 17, 1936 
July 15, 1934112°F
July 24, 1940 
July 12, 1939111°F
July 24, 1936111°F
July 19, 1934111°F
August 18, 1936110°F
July  4,  1936110°F
July 20, 1934110°F
August  8, 1934110°F
July  5,  1911110°F


Highest Temperature (°F) Each Year in Lincoln, Nebraska
Years 1887-2024
LINK:  Hottest Day Each Year 1887-2024


Highest Temperature (°F) Each Month in Lincoln, Nebraska
Years 1887-2024  
LINK: Warmest Temperature Each Month 1887-2024


NOTE:  All data on this page are from the National Weather Service and HPRCC data archives.