This area of the Lincoln Weather website is under major redesign. Please be patient as we work on this.
Forecasts Specific to Lincoln, NE.
- Hourly forecast today for Lincoln, NE
- 10-day forecast
- 7-day NWS forecast
- 14-day TWC forecast
- CNN Lincoln forecast
- NWS Lincoln weather forecast discussion
- Weather Channel Lincoln forecast
- Yahoo forecast (defaults to your local location)
SREF 26 Computer model Forecasts on one graph.
Note: must choose location by zooming in and moving map area to desired location.
Can choose precipitation, snowfall, and temperature
Regional and U.S. Weather Forecasts (Includes the Lincoln Area)
- 5-Day Forecast Total Precipitation
- 7-Day Forecast Total Precipitation (LINK to WPC)
- NWS Digital Forecasts
- NWS Forecast Maps
- NWS Forecast Offices Map
- NWS Nebraska hazardous weather outlook discussion
- NWS National Center for Environmental Prediction
- NWS Omaha, Winter Weather Regional Forecast
- NWS River Forecast Center
- Pollen Forecast
- Severe weather forecast map
- Smoke Forecast
- Smoke Forecast Tutorial
- Smoke Forecast (older format graphics)
- U.S. Winter travel forecast map
- U.V. (sun) forecast maps
- U.V Index Forecasts
- Winter Weather Forecast Page Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
Pivotal Weather
24-hour Snowfall Accumulation Forecast (CONUS)
48-Hour Snowfall Accumulation Forecast (CONUS)
Severe Weather Forecasts (Outlooks)
- Current Severe Weather Watches
- Severe Weather Outlook Day 1
- Severe Weather Outlook Day 2
- Severe Weather Outlook Day 3
- Severe Weather Outlook Days 4-8
Weather Channel U.S. Forecast Maps
Today & Tomorrow's surface map forecast
Daily forecast highs and weather conditions for the next 10 days
Departures from Normal
U.S. Forecast Highs Departures from Normal (Weather Channel)
U.S. Forecast Lows Departures from Normal (Weather Channel)
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 1
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 2
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 3
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 4
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 5
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 6
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 7
U.S. North America, Global Temperature Anomalies (at this site, choose region, thermodynamics, anomaly)
Weather Story (forecast information) of the Day
SNOWFALL Forecasts
NAM Model
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation (now out 12 hours)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation (6 to 18 hours from now)
- 12 hour accumulation (12 to 24 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (24 to 36 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (36 to 48 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (48 to 60 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (60 to 72 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (72 to 84 hours from now)
- A Loop of all of the maps out through 84 hours from now >>Not working, looking for replacement
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 24 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 36 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 48 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 60 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 72 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 84 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 72 hours(Rockies to E Coast) >>Not working, looking for replacement
- Total snowfall accumulation during the next 72 hours (CONUS & S. Can) >>Not working, looking for replacement
- Total Snowfall accumulation during next 84 hours (Rockies to East Coast) >>Not working, looking for replacement
- Total Snowfall accumulation during next 84 hours (CONUS & S. Canada) >>Not working, looking for replacement
GFS Model (CONUS & S. Canada, 12 hour accumulation forecasts)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (now out 12 hours)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (12-24 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (24-36 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (36-48 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (48-60 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (60-72 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (72-84 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (84-96 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (96-120 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (120-132 hours from now)
- 12 hour snowfall accumulation forecast (132-144 hours from now)
GFS Model (regional total snowfall accumulation forecasts)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 12 hours (Rockies to East Cast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 24 hours (Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 36 hours (Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 48 hours(Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 60 hours (Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 72 hours(Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 84 hours (Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 96 hours (Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 108 hours (Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 120 hours (Rockies to East Coast)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 120 hours (Eastern Nebraska)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 120 hours (Central Nebraska)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 120 hours Canada
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 120 hours Europe
GFS Model (CONUS & S. Canada) total snowfall accumulation forecasts)
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 12 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 24 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 48 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 60 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 72 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 84 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 96 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 108 hours
- Total snowfall accumulation during next 120 hours
SREF 26 Computer model Forecasts on one graph.
Note: must choose location by zooming in and moving map area to desired location.
Can choose precipitation, SNOWFALL, and temperature
Probability of Heavy Snowfall:
- Probability of heavy snowfall maps (4 inches)
- Probability of heavy snowfall maps (6 inches)
- Probability of heavy snowfall maps (8 inches)
- Probability of heavy snowfall maps (12 inches)