Short Term Forecasts

This area of the Lincoln Weather website is under major redesign. Please be patient as we work on this.


Forecasts Specific to Lincoln, NE.

SREF 26 Computer model Forecasts on one graph.
Note: must choose location by zooming in and moving map area to desired location.
Can choose precipitation, snowfall, and temperature

Regional and U.S. Weather Forecasts (Includes the Lincoln Area)

Pivotal Weather
24-hour Snowfall Accumulation Forecast (CONUS) 

48-Hour Snowfall Accumulation Forecast (CONUS)

Severe Weather Forecasts (Outlooks)

Weather Channel U.S. Forecast Maps

Today & Tomorrow's surface map forecast

(current surface weather map)

Daily forecast highs and weather conditions for the next 10 days

Daily forecast maps

Departures from Normal

U.S. Forecast Highs Departures from Normal (Weather Channel)
U.S. Forecast Lows Departures from Normal (Weather Channel)

U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 1
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 2
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 3
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 4
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 5
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 6
U.S. Forecast Departure from Normal Highs, Day 7

U.S. North America, Global Temperature Anomalies (at this site, choose region, thermodynamics, anomaly)

Weather Story (forecast information) of the Day

SNOWFALL Forecasts

NAM Model
GFS Model (CONUS & S. Canada, 12 hour accumulation forecasts)
GFS Model (regional total snowfall accumulation forecasts)
GFS Model (CONUS & S. Canada) total snowfall accumulation forecasts)

SREF 26 Computer model Forecasts on one graph.
Note: must choose location by zooming in and moving map area to desired location.
Can choose precipitation, SNOWFALL, and temperature

Probability of Heavy Snowfall: