Daily Records for Lincoln
All daily temperature and precipitation records with years of occurrence listed
Tables With Daily Record Values
(without years of occurrence)
- Record warm day-time high temperatures & record warm night-time low temperatures
- Record low night-time low temperatures & record low day-time high temperatures
- Daily Range Record Lows vs Record Highs
- Daily Record precipitation (rainfall plus snow water equivalent)
- Daily Record snowfall
- Daily Record snowfall depths
- Longest Streaks of 90°F+ Temperatures
- One day, two day and three day snowfall records for Lincoln, NE
Maps: "Look-Up Maps" of Record Temperatures and Precipitation
Maps: Daily Records, Temperature and Precipitation
All of the temperature and precipitation records data are from the official NWS data archives for Lincoln, NE. Additional data for Lincoln, NE can be found at the HPRCC web site.