YEAR 2007 - Climate Statistics for Lincoln, Nebraska

All data in this table are from the National Weather Service and HPRCC data archives..

YEAR 2007 Climate Statistics for Lincoln, NE.
all temperatures are in degrees F
Period of Record 
121 years (1887-2007)
Year 2007 Avg. Temperature
52.6  F (1.5 F above normal)
Warmest Ann. Avg. and year
55.7 F  in 1934 and 1931
Coldest Ann. Avg. and year
47.8 F in 1978
Warmest Temperature Year 2007
100 F, July 7, and Aug. 13
Warmest Temp. ALL years
115 F, July 25, 1936
Coldest Temperature Year 2007
-15 F,  January 16
Coldest Temp. ALL years
-33 F, Jan. 12, 1974
Number of days <  0 F Year 2007
9 days
Most & Year
35 in 1978 and 1979
Least & Year
0 in 1931 & 1987
Number of days >  90 F Year 2007
Most & Year
82 days in 1936
Least & Year
7 days in 1889
Number of days >  100 F Year 2007
3 days
Most & Year
41 days in 1936
Day most below normal year 2007
February 14 and 15
26 degrees below normal
Day most above normal year 2006
March 13
27 degrees above normal
Number of Days year 2007 exactly normal
14 days
Number of Days year 2007 above normal
219 days
Number of Days year 2007 below normal
132 days
Largest temperature change 
within the same calendar day
47 degrees
February 16
min -3  F ; max  44 F 
Smallest temperature change
within the same calendar day
3 degrees
 October 14 min 58 F to max 61 F
Largest temperature rise from
one day to the next
49 degrees, April 15-16
 28 F up to  77 F
Largest temperature drop from
one day to the next
 47 degrees,  
  Mar. 13 80 F down to 33 F Mar. 14
Largest temperature drop
within a week
 68 degrees,
Nov.19, max 78 F, Nov. 23, min 10  F
Largest temperature rise
within a week
 65 degrees,
Feb. 14, min --6 F,  Feb. 21, max 59 F
Precipitation Total Year 2007
35.35  inches
(6.98  inches above normal)
Most Annual Precipitation
45.15 inches 1965
Least Annual Precipitation
14.09 inches 1936
Snowfall Total Year 2006
32.8 inches
Most Annual Snowfall
55.2 inches 1983
Least Annual Snowfall
7.0 inches 1946

Lincoln, NE, 2007 STATISTICS

          TEMPERATURE                   PRECIPITATION
JAN.  23.7   1.3      53  -15       0.64  -0.03    10.0
FEB.  23.9  -4.4      62   -6       1.31   0.65     6.4
MAR.  48.0   8.6      80    8       2.81   0.60     7.1
APR.  50.3  -0.9      90   17       3.44   0.54       0
MAY   65.9   3.9      91   41       8.13   3.90       T
JUNE  72.5  -0.2      92   51       2.28  -1.23       0
JULY  79.2   1.4     100   54       1.22  -2.32       0
AUG.  79.5   4.1     100   56       5.80   2.45       T
SEP.  67.1   1.1      91   37       3.10   0.18       0
OCT.  57.4   3.9      89   26       4.50   2.56       0
NOV.  39.5   1.4      78   10       0.05  -1.53     0.4
DEC.  24.3  -2.2      57    0       2.09   1.23     8.9
YEAR  52.6   1.5     100  -15      35.35   6.98    32.8

           DEGREE DAYS
JAN.    1274     -54        0       0
FEB.    1142      99        0       0
MAR.     529    -270       10       9
APR.     452      27       18       5
MAY       52    -102       88      32
JUNE       4     -12      236      -8
JULY       0      -1      447      57
AUG.       0      -5      457     142
SEP.      68     -32      141      18
OCT.     261    -116       34      22
NOV.     760     -46        0       0
DEC.    1254      66        0       0
YEAR                     1431     277
