The links on this page take you to pages that have a combination of climate variables (temperature, precipitation, degree days, etc)
NOTE: There are tabs for links to single variable data archives for
Temperature data: includes temperature graphs; temperature climatologies (heat waves, cold waves, freeze data, etc.)
Snowfall data: includes daily, monthly, annual snowfall data; snowfall & snow depth climatologies; snowfall statistics, etc.
Precipitation (rain and snow combined): includes daily, monthly, annual precipitation data; precipitation climatologies; etc.
Daily Data TABLES, with the all the variables (temperature, precipitation, degree days, etc.)
(see the table below for historical daily data prior to 2008)
TABLE: Historical Lincoln Daily Weather and Climate Data (external to this site)
Annual NWS summaries (all variables)
Annual Summary (ours) Year 2016
Weekly Summaries (all variables)
Annual Statistical Summaries (all variables)
All of the above data are the Official National Weather Service data for Lincoln, NE.
These data were acquired from the High Plains Regional Climate Center HPRCC