YEAR 2008 - Climate Statistics for Lincoln, Nebraska

YEAR 2008 Climate Statistics for Lincoln
all temperatures are in degrees F

Period of Record 
122 years (1887-2008)
Year 2008 Avg. Temperature
50.4 F (0.7 F below normal)
Warmest Ann. Avg. and year
55.7 F  in 1934 and 1931
Coldest Ann. Avg. and year
47.8 F in 1978
Warmest Temperature Year 2008
102 F, August 3
Warmest Temp. ALL years
115 F, July 25, 1936
Coldest Temperature Year 2008
-12 F,  December 22
Coldest Temp. ALL years
-33 F, Jan. 12, 1974
Number of days <  0 F Year 2008
14 days
Most & Year
35 in 1978 and 1979
Least & Year
0 in 1931 & 1987
Number of days >  90 F Year 2008
Most & Year
82 days in 1936
Least & Year
7 days in 1889
Number of days >  100 F Year 2008
1 day
Most & Year
41 days in 1936
Day most below normal year 2008
December 15
25 degrees below normal
Day most above normal year 2008
November 3
24 degrees above normal
Number of Days year 2008 exactly normal
19 days
Number of Days year 2008 above normal
159 days
Number of Days year 2008 below normal
188 days
Largest temperature change 
within the same calendar day
50 degrees
December 14
min 1 F ; max  51 F 
Smallest temperature change
within the same calendar day
3 degrees
 Sept. 12 min 65 F to max 68 F
Largest temperature rise from
one day to the next
57 degrees,
Mar. 10, 14 F; Mar. 11, 71 F
Largest temperature drop from
one day to the next
  59 degrees,  
  Dec. 13, 60 F; Dec. 14, 1 F
Largest temperature drop
within a week
 68 degrees,
Mar. 1, 69 F; Mar. 7, 1 F
Largest temperature rise
within a week
 70 degrees, Jan. 24: -10 F ; Jan. 28,  60 F
70 degrees, Mar. 7, 1F;  Mar. 11,  71 F
Precipitation Total Year 2008
34.90  inches
(6.53  inches above normal)
Most Annual Precipitation
45.15 inches 1965
Least Annual Precipitation
14.09 inches 1936
Snowfall Total Year 2008
16.6 inches
Most Annual Snowfall
55.2 inches 1983
Least Annual Snowfall
7.0 inches 1946
