Probability of a White Christmas for the U.S. & Lincoln Statistics


Map, courtesy of the National Weather Service

A "White Christmas" is defined as one inch or greater of snow on the ground.

A total of 41 (32.5%) of the last 126 years (1897-2022) had a White Christmas in Lincoln.

Here is a chronological listing of these 41 years with one inch or more of snow on the ground in Lincoln on December 25, RANKED from most to least snow on the ground.

Max T/Min T = high/low for the day,
Precip = liquid water precipitation amount in inches,
Snowfall and Snow Depth are also in inches

Max T Min T Precip Snowfall Snow Depth
12/25/1983 4 -16 0 0 14
12/25/1945 25 19 0.17 2.6 13
12/25/2000 14 2 0.04 1 11
12/25/2009 21 7 0.62 9.5 10
12/25/1973 30 17 T T 8
12/25/1952 24 7 T T 8
12/25/1948 18 -12 T T 8
12/25/1909 20 11 0 0.8 8
12/25/1968 27 13 0 0 7
12/25/1897 35 22 0 0 6
12/25/1961 36 19 0 0 5
12/25/1951 21 3 0 0 5
12/25/1941 33 27 0.34 3 5
12/25/1924 17 -8 0 0 5
12/25/1914 10 4 0.01 0.1 5
12/25/1939 24 20 0 T 4
12/25/2017 17 5 0.01 0.4 3
12/25/2015 33 15 0.02 T 3
12/25/2008 42 4 0 0 3
12/25/1920 27 17 0 T 3
12/25/2022 40 -6 0.01 T 2
12/25/2012 14 3 0 0 2
12/25/1997 33 18 0.02 0.2 2
12/25/1981 36 11 0 0 2
12/25/1980 23 -7 0 0 2
12/25/1969 44 15 T T 2
12/25/1962 20 1 0.07 1.3 2
12/25/1926 33 15 0 0 2
12/25/1919 39 30 0 0 2
12/25/1916 38 2 0.04 0 2
12/25/1915 32 9 0 0 2
12/25/2020 43 4 0 0 1
12/25/2007 43 28 0 0 1
12/25/2001 28 4 T T 1
12/25/1974 31 3 0 0 1
12/25/1957 54 31 0.08 0.8 1
12/25/1949 39 6 0 0 1
12/25/1935 13 0 0.01 0.7 1
12/25/1918 23 4 0 0 1
12/25/1913 20 10 0 T 1
12/25/1911 21 9 0 0 1


Rural Lancaster County, Nebraska, December 25, 2020. Photo ©K. Dewey